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Site just created. Really nothing to do here besides looking at this very page.

Read-only Realities


This is my site for writing down thoughts nobody but me will really care about, mainly about video games and other kinds of fiction, our relationship to them and theirs to us. What they say to us and about us and our moment in history.

Sometimes it's nice writing those thoughts down regardless if anybody cares. Maybe to have a motivation to actually finish them, or perhaps the feeling of at least doing something with them and the time that went into them.

And perhaps you'll see something that interests you, or at least helps you pass the time.

The sections in the sidebar are geared towards different kinds of writing. I will explain them once something is actually there.

Have fun looking around. I hope you find what you are looking for, here and in life.

This site layout was made with petrapixel's layout generator. Thanks!